Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ello..it's sad we didn't get into the finals, but I thought it was unfair that 3/3 got 2nd.We've got our term 1 reports back and the total points for my L1R5 was 9. That isn't so bad, but I'm aiming for a 7 by the end of term 3. =] The scholars in our class got 7, but according to them, they said their friends in 3/7 had 6 points instead and thus felt zi bei..haha..7 is so good already man... Mr yong didn't wanna destroy his brain cells thinking of remarks for us, so all of us didn't get any except for the class committee ppl..sigh.. On Friday, everybody was rushing to complete their own english newspaper project and the scene was quite amusing really..Shi Han accompanied me during recess to do last minute editing for my newspaper. Melissa was there too.. In the end, we were 20 min late, but as we were hurrying to the com lab, she was just walking towards the lab in the opp direction..haha..heng.. After school, Shi Han and I went to the copy lab place and tried to print out our newspaper in A3 size. Mine took more than an hour to print out and the person didn't print correctly which left an extra page blank.. I handed it in later than 2p.m., but I think it wasn't fair of Mrs Hoe to give us the task more than a week late and expect us to hand it in at the same time as the rest of the classes. Also, she only gave until 3 o'clock while another class's deadline was at 4. I do not like this..strong disagreement and feels that Mrs Hoe ********. No offence meant..I just could not find the correct words to express my emotions.. I had to rush for my prize-giving/dance rehearsal in the hall afterwards and only ate a piece of bread with sardines. Also a small packet of chips, courtesy of Georgienne. Had instant noodles at home at 5. Could not manage to eat proper dinner at 6..*if I could I won't be normal..actually, I'm not that normal, am I?? Our banner looks quite ok la.. That's all folks!!=] *going to blog in class blog..=] Sunday, March 11, 2007
hi peeps..I think my life is very fulfilling.. too fulfilling..but they are all my own choices..busy as I am, I must still stay HAPPI!=] I love our class 3/6! and our blog too! gee, the aroma drifting in from the kitchen is soooo tempting! I can hear my stomach growl...haha. I got first in class for english again. huang got 71.2..i think. I just won her by one point.. Cheerleading this year is bound to be great..haha. Wish we can get into the finals. It'll be the last time I will do cheerleading in tkgs..cos the school ensures the seniors of the school in the fourth year lead a boring life.. that's all to report..love ya guys! Saturday, March 03, 2007
Chinese new year literally flew past. Time really flies. Now it's march and it's almost SYF! We've been practising quite often..i think. We went to school today for practise. There was a performance in school on thursday for the lower sec. It was very bad. We did not move together and it was messy and we were afraid we would break the plates and I guess it showed on our faces. It was really traumatic! cos it really takes a lot of courage to even take the first step to flip the plate. You can even force yourself even you cry but you can't do it! I was glad I had this barrier during recess rehearsal and not at the actual performance. I overcame it, and was quite happy=)Joined cheerleading (for the third year running) and I think we are the class that has the greatest progress. Other classes haven't even gotten their cheers ready..=) Other classes may think we are the nerd class, but think all they want. We have people who wouldn't boo and won't make lives so difficult for the class com ppl. They are our friends after all, right? We are intelligent enough to know that only by volunteering and working together can we achieve our common goals. Some other people I know only think of themselves and shy away from responsibilities. Cheerleading's gonna be fun! Hana Kimi is such a nice show! I think wu zun looks cute but not as crazy as huang over him lor..haha Have track heats on monday, and gonna rush for dance afterwards..I'm doing the 4 times 100m relay.. Whoots! I think the piano practise just now was quite ok=) cos it didn't make me feel frustrated nor rushed for time..(listening to hana kimi songs:)) Good news: I got the English language prize given by the school! Whoo! Karen got the home economics, li yin got the form, michelle got MEP and still got quite a few people but I forgot le. I think there are quite a lot of recipients from our class:) not boasting..I think only la..maybe got other classes also same but I dunno only.. By form I think Li Yin got the top in the sch prize cos she was the first in class last year. So clever right? Haha..I think my english was quite ok last year:) Bad news: only got 32 upon 100 for a maths. Other subjects still ok la. Ok, gtg, bb! :) |
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